Kuih Siput

This is very addictive malaysian snack which looked like the sea shells you find on the sea shore. Siput is sea shell in Malay and to make this sea shells you will need an utensil which looked like this

I had dreams of this snack but was unable to make some cos i could not find this utensil. I was elated when Julie Tan from Biodiversityherbs.com wrote to me and said she has baking supplies for sale and i found this so 'hard-to-find' utensil that i longed for in her site.

1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp margarine/oil
1 tsp sugar
1/2 egg - beaten
1 tsp black pepper powder
2 tbsp curry powder
2 tbsp coconut milk
1 tbsp water
Oil for deep frying


Mix all the ingredients together into a smooth dough and let it rest for at least 1/2 hr.

Roll dough into small pea size balls

Using the utensil, press a ball with your thumb to form the shell shape

When all the balls are shaped into sea shells.
Heat oil in medium heat - 325 f and fry the sea shells until brown and crispy.
Drain on kitchen towel.

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