Gingery Chilli Sauce

How can anyone eat Hainanese Chicken Rice without the Gingery Chilli Sauce?!! You are missing one of the essences of eating Chicken Rice.  The most important part of a successful and delicious chicken rice meal, is not on the chicken or the rice, but the chili sauce. The chili sauce has a fresh taste of ginger, chili, garlic and calamansi juice  which gives a flavorful “kick”to the meal.  I am very particular about the ingredients used - ginger : it has to be young ginger, ginger which are like my age will not do.  Chillies have to be fresh red and a few fresh  red Chilly padi.  Calamansi juice is a must but sometimes, like the hokkien saying goes - Boh hu hae pun ho - if fish is not available, shrimp will do, then lime juice will be ok.  The proportion of ingredients do not have to be specific - if you like it more gingery, use more ginger and likewise.


Fresh red chillies
Fresh red chilly padi
Young ginger
Calamansi juice/lime juice
Salt and sugar to taste


Seed the fresh red chillies.

Remove the skin off the young ginger and garlic.

Put all the ingredients except the calamansi/lime juice, in the food processor and process until it becomes a paste.

Remove into a microwave-safe bowl and microwave on high for 1 minute.

Add in salt and sugar and let it cool, then add in calamansi/lime juice.

Pour into a sterilized jar/bottle and keep in the fridge.

Before serving, a little rendered chicken fat and sesame oil can be added.


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