Yee Chai Paeng/Ear Biscuit

This is not the cow's or pig's ear, this is like the human's ear, or it is supposed to look like but somehow, these biscuits have their own idea of ears.  Not one will be similar when fried, some looked like tiny cups which we used to called them 'bras' when i was a little kid.  I have to get alexander to help in describing this biscuit, he looked at them and said that they looked like hats - cowboy hats. I told him to tell me more and he was not very co-operative, he said "they are hats and thats it!".  This biscuit must have been served way back before ovens were introduced to the Asians as they are deep fried - who can resist deep-fried ????? - they are so addictive!!!


1/1/4 cups all-purpose flour
2 tbsp cooking oil
1/2 tsp 5-spice powder
1/2 tsp white pepper powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp fine granulated sugar
3 tbsp or more water
1 - 2 pieces shallots.

Oil for deep frying


Pound/grate peeled shallots and mix with 3 tbsp of water.  Pass through a sieve and squeeze as much juice from the shallots.  Discard the pulp.

Mix all other ingredients together and add in the water with the shallot's juice.  Keep adding water, 1 tbsp at a time until a soft and pliable dough is formed.  Knead dough until it is smooth.

Cut dough into 2 portions and roll one portion out into 4 inch x 7 inch rectangle.  Even and straighten edges the best you can.

Roll the dough up tightly, like you would a carpet, making a 4 inch log.  Wrap log loosely with plastic wrap and place it inside the cardboard roll(roll is from the center of toilet rolls).  Using a chinese rolling pin, pound biscuit to fit the cardboard roll and leave in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Repeat with the other portion of the dough.

After 30 minutes, remove dough and slice dough into even  thickness slices - i cut them very thin.

Heat oil for deep frying and when oil is 350f, lower the biscuits and deep fry until golden brown.

Remove and drain well.

Cool before serving or pack into airtight containers.

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